website design

Attracting and Keeping Customers: Update your website regularly

ABC Web Service continually helps businesses move to the next level. How long has it been since your website was updated: a week, a month, a year, perhaps years? You created your website to help advertise your products or services and to create new relationships. But, are you doing what is needed to get the best results from your investment? Your favorite search engine crawler (Google, MSN, or Bing for example) analyzes every page of every website based upon formulas…

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Why Your Website Needs a Facelift

– Catch the Eyes of Web Surfers that Once Ignored You Whoever said “don’t judge a book by its cover” didn’t know too much about the online marketing business. Just like the latest trends and fashions, one season a website’s hot, next season, not. Perfect example– at one point in web design history, having Flash and animation cramped into every viable inch of a website was all the rage and considered very “cutting edge”. Today, web designers realize that users…

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A Step by Step Guide to Creating Your New Website

Here are the steps we follow to create a website.  We hope you will find this useful, if you have any questions feel free to call 954-564-3300 or email 1) Visit several websites and copy the address of each site you like.    Then tell us what you liked about each of the links, colors, how something is displayed on the page or how it works.    Any details you can give us will help our designer in the next step.…

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WE ARE MOVING JANUARY 1st to: 6750 N. Andrews Avenue, Suite 200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

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ABC Web Service